Peluso Presents Top 5 Articles of 2020
Greetings and Happy almost New Years! This year our annual ‘Top 5 List’ where we post the top five articles of the year and maybe one or two special mentions. As always, these are articles that really resonated with either me or my audience and I use this annual Top 5 post to give them a second chance to shine. Happy Reading!
1. How Do You Decide What Should Be Shared? — Posted April 8th
We start off a bit later in the year than usual with our article on how much and what to communicate in the workplace. If you have ever heard someone utter the acronym “TMI” standing for too much information, you know oversharing is involved.
2 . Goals — Posted May 4th
Our second article on the list is actually the last article I wrote for my massively audacious goal of writing two years ahead on the blog. What makes this article unique is that not only is it meta in that it’s an article about the culmination of a major goal, where the article was the goal, it’s also a great overview of goals and goal setting in general.
Easter Egg: Can you see my article tracking list in the background of the target?
3. A Rose By Any Other Change — Posted June 1st
Rose is a real person, and this tiny little snippet of her life perfectly encapsulates how much is wrong with our retirement system in this county. It’s extra impactful to me as I know Rose, she’s a real person who really had a very bad day at work.
4. The Rule of 2.5 Redux — Posted June 29th
The Rule of 2.5 is such a great concept, that I really had to go back and expand my thoughts on it as the original article was woefully under developed. This concept has become the backbone of much of what I write about, at least as far as being able to engage more things in life than work and family.
5. WIIFM or Wif’em — Posted August 24th
This one hit close to home for me, because it was one of those times in my life when I felt I was in the majority, but the people I was discussing the topic with were in the minority. The thing is I could be very wrong about my personality. It’s always so hard to really understand yourself and where your personality stands in the greater culture.
Interesting easter egg with the article image if you didn’t catch it. The two red lines represent a positive pregnancy test as the article discusses having children as part of the topic children.
Honorable Mention:
TLDR: We Did This to Ourselves! — Posted October 5th
We live in a challenging world if you are an employer and you are trying to employ members of the next generation. They don’t have the same values that we do, but that’s because we changed the game on them. We still expect them to play by the old rules, but the millenials are rewriting the rule book of work in ways employers don’t like and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
As Always, Thanks to those who helped support Peluso Presents in 2020 with sharing, retweeting, commenting, and of course reading and listening. Please continue to do so… the more you do the better it will be for everyone. Also, don’t forget I still accept Tips!
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